Format and submission guideline for regular papers
original papers (not published or considered elsewhere) with a maximum of
twelve pages (context and references). Include the title of the paper, and the name and affiliation of
each author, a 150-word abstract, and up to 6 keywords.
The format of your submission must follow the
IEEE conference proceedings format.
to submit your abstract/paper.
Format and submission guideline for short papers
objective of short papers is to report novel ideas and results that have
not been fully evaluated. Submit original papers (not published or
considered elsewhere) with a maximum of eight pages (context and references). Include the title of the
paper, and the name and affiliation of each author, a 150-word abstract, and
up to 6 keywords. The format of your submission must follow the
IEEE conference proceedings format.
to submit your abstract/paper.
Format and submission guideline for fast abstracts
objective of fast abstracts is to report ongoing work,
describe practical experiences, introduce new ideas to promote
further validation, or state positions on controversial issues.
Each fast abstract can have a maximum of two pages using the
IEEE conference proceedings format.
to submit your fast abstract.
Format and submission guideline for student doctoral program
objective of the student doctoral program is to encourage students
to attend QRS and present their work, exchange ideas with
researchers and practitioners, and get early feedback on
their research efforts. Submit original papers
(not published or considered elsewhere) with a maximum of eight pages using the
IEEE conference proceedings format.
Each submission should include the title of the paper, and the name and
affiliation of each author, a 150-word abstract,
and up to 6 keywords. The first author must be a student
(the advisor or non-student collaborators may be co-authors).
Once accepted the paper should be presented by a student.
here to submit your paper.
Format and submission guideline for workshop papers
original papers (not published or considered elsewhere)
with a maximum of eight pages. Include the title of the paper,
and the name and affiliation of each author, a 150-word abstract,
and up to 6 keywords. The format of your submission must follow the
IEEE conference proceedings format.
here to submit your paper to all the co-located workshops.
Format and submission guideline for industry track
There are two types of submissions.
- Submit an extended abstract (not published or considered elsewhere)
with a maximum of two pages.
Include the title, and the name and affiliation of each author.
Submissions must follow the
IEEE conference proceedings format.
Accepted abstracts will be published in the QRS 2018 Companion and
uploaded to IEEE Xplore digital library.
Click here to submit your 2–page extended abstract.
- Submit a description of your talk on a selected topic within the scope of QRS 2018, including the title, and the name and affiliation of the speaker, and a brief bio via email to Pete Rotella and Sunita Chulani. Speakers have the option to publish their presentation slides on the QRS website after the conference.